Gay Superhero Joey Is A "S.H.I.E.L.D." Warrior, Plus Big-Screen "Three's Company": BRIEFS

Plus hockey homophobia.

Birthday shoutouts! Billy "Butters" Magnussen (above) is 31, Joey Lawrence is 40, Shemar Moore is 46, Jessica Lange is 67, and George Takei is 79.


Gus Kenworthy and Matthew Wilkas' beach vacay photos are relationship goals.

Kelly Ripa absent from Live after news breaks of Michael Strahan's departure.

Pat Boone: SNL cast are "Satan worshippers" for making fun of God.

Game Of Thrones enemies Ramsay Bolton and Theon Greyjoy literally kiss and make up on Jimmy Kimmel.


Catching up with gay superhero Joey on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., he had a very eventful week. He was officially made a member of the "Secret Warriors" team, alongside team leader Daisy, Yo-Yo, and human Pikachu Lincoln. Sadly, Joey was on a hot date when duty called, and Daisy annoyed me yet again by cockblocking him.

Their first mission was to infiltrate a base and kick ass, which wasn't a problem.

Unfortunately, Joey had to kill some four-eyed freak in the line of duty, which weighed heavily on him, and things got worse when it was discovered that one member of the team was secretly working for the bad guys. Was it Joey?

After the Quantico debacle, I could not handle one more gay traitor, but thankfully, Joey was in the clear. So who is the turncoat? Let me put it this way - I've never trusted her.

And with her out of the way, Joey and Lincoln are now free to get to know each other better.

Harriet Tubman replacing Andrew Jackson on $20 bill, Alexander Hamilton spared.

55 power couples you should know.

Three's Company is coming to the big screen, and will reportedly remain set in the 70's. But the big question is, who will play Cindy?

Sadly, Susan Sarandon just drove off the Grand Canyon.

Blackhawks player Andrew Shaw on apparent video of him shouting gay slur: "I don't know what I said." Well, everyone else does.

The five biggest reasons ESPN must fire Curt Schilling.

"People are so willing to offer others the opportunity to make amends. All it takes is an apology that rings moderately true and some kind of outreach to learn more. Sadly, like Tony Dungy, Schilling shows no willingness to do that and simply lashes out at those who don't let him off the hook for his rabidly mean-spirited public commentary."

Zachary Quinto attends the "For Love Of Spock" event at Tribeca.

And here's The Weekly ShoutOUT™. Each week we're going to focus on one out athlete/performer and feature a daily pic and career timeline. We'll be showcasing the big names, but also the lesser-known gay and bisexual celebs who deserve more recognition.

This week our 162nd ShoutOUT™ is to ... George Grizzard.

George had many memorable turns on TV, including a recurring role on Law & Order, two appearances on The Golden Girls as Blanche's late husband George (and his lookalike brother), and many TV movies, including the fabulous Barbara Eden classic The Stranger Within.

Most Briefs lists involve the "best" or "greatest" of something, so for a change let's switch it up, as Evil Snicks brings you The 30 Worst Music Videos Of All Time.

You'll see debacles from major musical artists, as well as a few Youtube "stars." Sure, it's really easy to pick on desperate wannabes. It's fun, too. But it proves that terrible can run the gamut from multi-million dollar productions to, well, a certain video named after a day of the week. You know the one.

At #13 is "Anger" by Thor.

God, how I miss the early days of MTV when jewels like this could be cherished.

Congrats to zoso, who guessed that yesterday's Pixuzzle™ © ® was Charlie's Angels.

Here's today's Pixuzzle™ © ®. Here is a personality from a FAMOUS TV SHOW. Can you name it?

And today's Briefs are brought to you by ... Gary from DNA Magazine

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